+20 1151 9199 53 hi@metastudiodesigns.com Al Nassr St, 6th of October, Giza, Egypt. Sat - Thus | 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Different Plans Suitable For All Budgets

OUR Packages

What Our Packages Includes

Market Research

Market Research

The first thing we do is analyze the competition, industry and the marketplace. We then evaluate suitable keywords and phrases that will help your website rank better.

Site Analysis

Site Analysis

We check your existing website for any errors and audit your website to make sure you’re following best practices so that it can be found by search engines.

Initial Report

Initial Report

From the research and analysis, we put together a report outlining the current state of your website, along with any recommendations and strategies to optimize the site.

On-site SEO

On-site SEO

Audit your site by changing titles, keywords, meta descriptions, headings, content etc. by following the SEO guidelines set out in the initial report.

Content Strategy

Content Strategy

We help you to craft your message with SEO in mind along with a future content strategy to scale your SEO growth to bring more traffic to your website.

Off-site Optimization

Off-site Optimization

Off-site Optimization is a critical element of effective SEO. We help you to find new links and get the most out of the ones you already have.

Site Speed Optimization

Site Speed Optimization

Everyone likes a fast site, including Google. So we analyze the website and server speed and fix any speed issues that may be slowing down the site.

Sitemap Creation + Submission

Sitemap Creation + Submission

We create a sitemap for your site and submit it to Google. This makes it easier for the search engine bots to understand how your site data flows.

Review, Report, Repeat

Review, Report, Repeat

Each month we review the effects of the changes and report on the outcomes. We then implement further improvements as per the original SEO strategy.

We are proud of the work we have done for our clients.



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